Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Hey Mom,

I have one I think of just me in front of the CCM sign. I will email
it when I can. P-day got switched again to tuesday. I will try to log
in tomorrow if I can. This should be the last time this happens, but
just in case, start emailing on monday nights. It will switch again
once I am in the field. I will say a few things today though. today we
got to go to Walmart! But it was not even close to Walmart in the
states. I couldn't find some stuff I wanted. But it's ok, I'll try
again in El Salvador. This week was a good one. I got to give another
blessing! But this one has kind of a funny story. I asked Hermana
Hansen for her full name, and she said Sara Nicole Hansen. As I
repeated it a few times, my mind just slipped and I said Sara Nicole
Andreasen! Luckily it wasn't in the blessing, but it was still kind of
funny. She just laughed and said 'not yet...'. Everyone in the room
laughed for a bit, and then we started. It was one of the most
powerful blessings I have given. I felt super comfortable, and I could
just feel the Savior's love for her. Anyway, Mom: those ocean spray
packets you sent me are awesome! Thank you so much for thinking of me.
One thing we decided as a district (rather jokingly, but I hope
someday it could happen) is that we want to go on a trip to a Spanish
speaking country after our missions. We decided Cabo sounded like a
good choice:). Also, we watched two devotionals this week. One was
Elder Holland, and the other was Elder Bednar. I loved them both.
Elder Holland talked about how your mission should change you life
forever, and that a great many people are praying and thinking about
the missionaries. Elder Bednar talked about how missionaries need to
stop worrying if they are being guided by their own thoughts or the
Spirit. He said that if you are trying to honor your covenants and
keep the commandments and 'bee a good boy', the Spirit will guide
certain actions that you would never think were promptings. I needed
to hear that, as I have been waiting for a Spiritual manifestation of
some sort while I have been teaching. I don't think that was a fair
expectation for me to have, and I know that I just need to work hard
and do everything I can to be obedient so that I may have the Spirit
with me always. Anyway, I don't want to write much today if I am going
to tomorrow. I love you all and I hope that you are doing well.
Tomorrow I will have been here for a month. CRAZY. Anyways, I'll try
to chat tomorrow. Love you!!
Mission life is great, I love every day of it. My companions are
awesome. We are learning and growing together, but like every
companionship we have some things we can each work on. Mi habilidad
para hablar en español está aumentado! Puedo entender y hablar más
cada día. We didn't get to see much of Guatemala. We just went to a
mall and walmart and to a stake center to play basketball and such.
The level of poverty that I have seen is nowhere near Kenya, but isn't
too terrible. I'm sure I'll see my fair share of poverty in the field
though. I'm glad Zach is studying and Scotty is dating.
 Be sure to keep me posted about Beebs' mission call! I love you. I'm glad I got to write
today. You guys keep busy at home and I'll keep busy here and we'll be
back together again in no time. It's already been a month! only 23
fast sundays left (I hear that's a good way to count). I love you mom,
and I love hearing about your life. Make sure everyone is happy and
healthy at home. And if you want me to get pictures quickly, you can
email them. tons of the other missionaries have gotten pictures in
their emails. Anyway, have the best week! I love you! Elder

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